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Drinking Beer Sticker Pack

4.8 ( 2928 ratings )
Mat och dryck
0.99 USD

This Drinking Beer Sticker Pack helps say exactly what you want to say when cracking open a new can or bottle of beer. We all know the saying, pictures are worth a thousand words. There is no better example than when youre struggling with texting because you drank too much beer... Say what you want by sending a quick sticker text to your friends and family.

Hold My Beer: This sticker is perfect when your starting to feel that buzz and want to prove something to your drunk friend. Hold my beer tells them its time for you to do something amazing that theyre going to remember for a long time.

You can send this sticker before creating a new drunk video clip that they can watch and laugh too. You can send it when youve been challenged and a simple way to say, challenge accepted.

Its Beer OClock: Use this sticker to tell your friends the correct time, beer time. Its always Beer OClock somewhere...

Happy Hour: Its very common to be working throughout the day with the thought of Happy Hour on your mind. As soon as its quitting time, tell your friends its time to meet at the bar and enjoy an ice cold beer during the happy hour specials!

Im At The Bar: Did you beat your friends to the bar and already started drinking your first pint of beer? Send this sticker to tell them they need to hurry and meet you there before the alcohol gets you too drunk!

Shotgun A Beer: This sticker is for the serious beer drinker... Sipping on your can of beer might get you a little buzzed. If youre in the mood to get drunk fast, send this sticker to your friends telling them youre not messing around and its time to shotgun a beer!

Sorry I Was Drunk: Made a mistake or did something stupid while you were drunk? Dont worry, weve all been there. Show your sorry with this sticker or use it as an excuse.

This Guy Needs A Beer: We know you need a beer... Tell your friends and family that you need one with this sticker.

Day Drinking: Are you getting an early start with your drinking? Tell your friends your day drinking some alcohol with this sticker. They might just join you!

Expect Drunk A Text: Drunk texting is definitely something that happens to everyone thats had just a few too many pints of beer. Give your friends and family a heads up with this sticker so they know what to expect. They might just understand and tolerate your drunk texts a little more.

This Was A Drunk Text: We have all done it... Sent a text that was garbled and unreadable... Its not your fault, the screen was blurry and moving... With this sticker, you can easily explain why the text didnt make much sense... It was a drunk text.

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